
Individuals who are interested to work in government may search for vacancies using the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Job Portal at

Vacancies are also posted at CSC Field Offices (CSC FO), the CSC said, adding it has more than a hundred field offices nationwide.

Besides the position title and place of assignment, the job postings contain the salary grade and monthly salary, the qualification standards that need to be met by the applicant, documents to be submitted, and instructions on how to apply.

In using the CSC Job Portal, job seekers can customize their search by filtering the list by position title, agency name, and region. For example, those who wish to teach may type “Teacher” under position title or choose “Department of Education” under agency name, then choose the region where they wish to be assigned.

As of September this year, there have been more than 7,000 positions open for applications that were posted on the CSC website.

In CSC Resolution No. 2000221, circularized via Memorandum Circular No. 25, s. 2020 (Adoption of a Unified Platform for Publication of Vacant Positions in the Government in the CSC Website Including Third Level Vacant Positions), the Commission has instructed all government agencies to submit their list of vacant positions in the career service that are authorized to be filled, in electronic and printed copies, to the CSC FO concerned. The printed copy shall be posted by the CSC FO in its bulletin board, while the electronic copy shall be forwarded to the CSC Regional Office, which shall publish the vacancies in the CSC Job Portal.

Vacancies to be posted shall include first level, second level, and third level career positions.

First level positions include clerical, trades, crafts, and custodial service positions which involve non-professional or subprofessional work in a non-supervisory or supervisory capacity requiring less than four years of collegiate studies. The second level includes professional, technical, and scientific positions that involve professional, technical, or scientific work in a non-supervisory or supervisory capacity requiring at least four years of college work. The third level covers positions in the Career Executive Service, all of whom are appointed by the President.