
Civil Service Commission Regional Office VIII conducted a two-day Orientation Workshop on the 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA), as amended on 28-29 September 2023 at CSC RO VIII, HRC Building, Palo, Leyte.

Said Learning and Development (L&D) program was designed for leaders, supervisors and HRM Practitioners to gain correct information and uniform interpretation and application of the  2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions, as amended.

Moreover, this training is aimed to help the participants determine the proper way of interpreting the various provisions of the 2017 ORAOHRA, as amended, and be able to discuss and address the different issues and concerns related to the preparation and processing of appointments and other implementation of human resource actions.

The Civil Service Commission serves as the government's central personnel agency, responsible for overseeing the planning, issuance, submission, and various processes related to appointments and human resource movements within the government. Ensuring a consistent interpretation and efficient implementation of this policy is of paramount importance, thus the significance in the conduct of the 2017 ORAOHRA, as amended.

Subject-Matter-Experts of said training were CSC RO VIII Regional Director Atty. Marilyn E. Taldo and Director II Michael M. Dela Cruz, where in 51 government employees from various agencies in Region VIII participated and completed the course.

Seminar on 2017 ORAOHRA, Revised 2018 is an annual training offered by CSC RO VIII. You may contact CSC RO VIII HRD at (053) 888-1811 or send an email through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


